Alabama heeft wegens gezondheidsproblemen van bandlid Randy Owen de resterende optredens van hun 50th Anniversary Tour moeten afzeggen. Sinds 19 juli zijn al optredens geannuleerd vanwege Randy’s cluster migraine en duizeligheid. Artsen adviseerden Randy dat hij meer tijd nodig heeft om te herstellen waarna het drietal besloot de rest van de toernee, die tot 23 november doorliep, te cancelen.
“The 50th Anniversary Tour has been very special to us. The support of the fans and their energy at all of our shows has led to some of the most fun we’ve ever had onstage. As disappointed as myself, Randy and Jeff are to have to postpone this tour for all of our incredible fans, we know that Randy’s recovery is what is most important for everyone at this time,” says Alabama bassist Teddy Gentry in a statement. “We would like to thank our fans, promoters and venues and we look forward to seeing you all soon.”