Van Kenny Chesney wordt op 1 mei het album “Here And Now” gereleased. Het is Kenny’s 19e studio album, gecoproduceerd door Buddy Cannon en Ross Copperman.
De laatste 18 maanden werd veel van het album geschreven en opgenomen waaronder de titeltrack die nu in de Top 25 staat. Deze song werd geschreven in Malibu door Craig Wiseman, David Garcia en David Lee Murphy.
“You know, [the album is] going to have a high fun factor,” says Kenny. “People work hard, and need music that makes them smile, that kicks them into a happy place. There are also songs here that look at very specific people, that tell one person’s story, but it could be any of us. That’s the mark of a good song: let one person’s specific life say so much about a lot of people’s lives. And one of the things I really wanted (for Here and Now) was to bring a lot of my favorite writers together, not to do ‘writing camp,’ but just hang out and talk, remember when it was the stories and laughs that sparked songs, not sitting down to churn out something to cut.”